How to set up an External destination broadcast – a step-by-step guide.
Open the Calendar
Creating a meeting with AI Producer in Teams is just like scheduling a regular meeting.
Create a meeting with AI Producer
Create the AI Producer meeting from which you will do your broadcast.
Create production meeting
Invite the Presenters to the AI Producer meeting. If you are the only speaker, invite yourself to the meeting by adding your own mail-address to the meeting. Click ‘Send’ to invite your attendees.
Edit the meeting
Re-open the window to the meeting you just created to Edit it.
Add the AI Producer app
At the top of the meeting window, select the plus (+) symbol to add an app to the meeting.
Choose the AI Producer App
Click the AI Producer app.
Add the AI Producer app
Click ‘Save’ to invite AI Producer to the meeting.
Select a Production Format
Now it is time to choose the Production settings.
The departments you are a member of are displayed under Select Department. Pick the one applicable. Your accessibility to different departments are configurated by the AI Producer administrator. This affects what the options are when you setup AI Producer.
Select your preferred preset Production format.
Select Presenters
Here you can make changes regarding the Presenters in your broadcast.
What are the different roles in a Production?
AI Producer meeting attendees can be assigned different roles. The organizer of the meeting is always the Producer and has control of all features during the broadcast. The Producer can also assign roles to meeting attendees, and choose if they will actively participate and be shown in the broadcast by assigning roles as Producer, Presenter, and Participant.
A Producer has access and control of all features and settings in the Control Room during the broadcast. The producer can:
• Assign roles in the broadcast,
• Change titles of the presenters,
• Start and stop a break and send messages to participants and viewers,
• Change the Production Format and Tempo,
• Edit the position of the placement of the presenters,
• Change the background and logo that is shown in the broadcast, if this is allowed by the AI Producer Admin.
A Presenter is chosen by the Producer and is included in the broadcast.
Presenters are selected as Presenters in AI Producer settings They are attendees of the AI Producer meeting and will be displayed in the broadcast. The position of how the Presenters will be displayed in the broadcast can be changed using drag and drop. The Name and Title of each selected Presenter can be edited within AI Producer settings. The Name and Title will be displayed in the broadcast.
A Participant has limited access to features in the Control Room and is able to message Participants, and Viewers, and see Viewer Questions. A Participant can be chosen to have the role as an active Presenter during the broadcast.
Change the name and title of the Presenter
By clicking in the bottom right corner you can change the name and title of each Presenter.
Edit the name
When you are ready with editing the name and title, press enter or the green symbol to save.
Assign Roles
Assign the role as Producer by clicking on the button or by clicking on the drop down menu.
Add the speakers
By clicking on a meeting attendee, you can add them to the meeting as Presenters and they will then be visible during the broadcast.
Change the position of the Presenters
Change the position of the speakers in the Broadcast by dragging and dropping each Presenter to the required position. Then click Next.
Branding your broadcast
Brand your broadcast by adding a logo and background. These will be displayed during the broadcast.
Adding a background
Select a background. Make sure the background image is at least 1920×1080 pixels.
A tip is to avoid too many details or texts because they can be hidden from what is visible in the broadcast.
Adding a logo
You can choose your own logo, it will be visible in the top right corner of the broadcast. You can also select no logo. The dedicated area for the logo is 280×80 pixels.
Select Production Tempo
Selecting Production Tempo will determine the speed between each transition from Split-screen, Side-by-side view, and Focus modes during the broadcast.
Slow (for detailed presentations)
The shared screen will mostly be in focus. Suitable when details of the shared screen are most important. -
Medium (fits most productions)
Even balance between speakers and shared screen. Suitable for most events. -
Fast (perfect for high-energy events)
Transitions will occur more frequently. Suitable for higher energy events.
Select Broadcast Destination
The Broadcast Destination is where the viewers will watch the broadcast. By adding a RTMP or RTMPS-link from your chosen Broadcast Destination you can connect the Broadcast to your viewers destination platform such as YouTube, Linkedin, or Facebook Live.
More about selecting a Broadcast Destination
Broadcast destination determines where your broadcast shall be viewed by your audience. There are other options except to select External. Select a preset option or an external destination of your choice:
Another Microsoft Teams meeting
When selecting Another Microsoft Teams meeting as a destination, your audience will join a separate Teams meeting to view the broadcast. You can choose between:-
Enter an ingest URL; copy the external Teams meeting URL and paste it in the ingest URL row.
Create a new meeting; where AI Producer will create a ‘Watch meeting’ for you.
Select an existing; existing meetings around the scheduled broadcast time are selectable here.
- Another Microsoft Teams webinar
When selecting Another Teams webinar as a destination, your audience will join a separate Teams webinar to watch the broadcast. To save a copy of the broadcast, be sure to select ‘Save to OneDrive’.
Tip: Viewers can spotlight AI Producer and select ‘Fit to frame’ in the viewer meeting for best quality.
- Save to OneDrive
To save a copy of the broadcast, be sure also to select ‘Save to OneDrive’. The broadcast will be accessible on your OneDrive after the broadcast has ended. It is saved as a .mp4 file, within the folder titled ‘AI Producer’. Select this destination to save the broadcast as a file on your OneDrive, in combination with another broadcast destination.
- Save to OneDrive as only destination
The broadcast will be accessible on your OneDrive after the broadcast has ended. Select this as a single destination to save the broadcast as a file on your OneDrive.
AI Producer test
Sends your broadcast to a YouTube channel administrated by LiveArena Technologies. This destination is intended for testing purposes only. The broadcast is per default set to ‘Unlisted’, meaning it is not viewable by anyone without its designated link. The designated link will be automatically sent to you by email.
If you wish to do a broadcast with your own restrictions, we recommend using a destination administrated by your own organization and selecting ‘External’ as a destination in these settings.
Save your broadcast
You can also choose to save a copy of your Broadcast to your OneDrive for you to use in the future. The first time you do it you might need to log in to your Microsoft-account to allow AI Producer to save the copy on your OneDrive.
Check your settings and save
Review your settings, and select ‘OK’ to save.
You have completed the settings
Everything is set up for your broadcast. If you want to update your settings just reload the tab or come back at a later time before the meeting to make your changes. Good luck with your next broadcast!